So, it's that time guys. The last week of classes. Professors are teaching you new material the week before finals if you're unlucky, and...
The Last Week of Classes told by Criminal Minds
Netflix Series To Binge Watch: Part 1
With cooler weather and the holiday's approaching, more Netflix binge nights are on the way! Here are a couple of series that will have you...
Why We Don’t Deserve Matthew Gray Gubler
You probably know him as Spencer Reid from CBS' Criminal Minds . But avid fans, like me, know him as so much more. Matthew Gray Gubler is...
Her Campus at Bentley
He Said/She Said: The Minds of Bentley Girls vs. Bentley Guys
Do you ever feel like guys and girls come from different universes where they think about things completely differently? Well, sometimes...
Brenna Williams, Ending Silence
Brenna Williams is a senior at UC Davis, and so much more: she’s a Psychology and Anthropology double major, a Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority...