I miss you. You’re six feet too far, glass contains you and breaks you away. A mask prevents your voice from filling my ears. Your face...
When you are missing a loved one who has passed away, it can be a heavy burden on your mind. After experiencing a loss over the holidays...
I miss his laugh. His voice. I miss the long pauses he took while speaking, not because he wasn’t sure what to say next, but because his...
Though it has been seven years since my grandma, six since my grandpa, and three since my great-grandma passed away, I still, and always...
An Open Letter to the Friend I Miss, For so many years you were the one I went to for everything. You were there for my happiest and...
You've taught me so much in the last year even though you aren't here with me anymore. Thank you.
Cancer has been a reoccurrence in my family. When I was in fourth grade, my father was diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer and...