Suzanne Collins recently announced the upcoming release of both the novel and film of 'Sunrise on the Reaping', the fifth installment of the 'The Hunger Games' series. Here is...
“The Hunger Games” series has grown in popularity across all ages, but has particularly dominated with young adults. The fandom has grown...
On March 23rd, 2012, the first Hunger Games movie hit theatres and immediately the universe was mesmerized by the girl on fire. Four years...
November 18th through the 20th was like an extended Reaping Day for all fans of The Hunger Games as they battled it out for tickets (if you...
I must admit, I’ve never been the biggest Hunger Games fan. Even my YA-fiction-obsessed-13-year-old self found the books to be pretty ‘meh...
A whistle and three fingers in the air saluting lost ones. An independent, strong girl fighting for her district. A love triangle. A...
The Hunger Games is one of the most popular book series of this generation and the final installment of the movie series premieres this...
The world has been fascinated with a book called “The Hunger Games” since 2008. And for many, that love transferred over to the major movie...
New trailer for for final chapter of The Hunger Games has been released.