Monster (2023), directed by Kore-eda Hirokazu, is a thriller drama that explores the relationship between a mother, her son, and his teacher. The story begins as we look at...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.*Disclaimer: according to the Mayo Clinic, the daily consumption limit on caffeine is around 400...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.Recently, there has been commotion online because many people are claiming to have been experiencing...
First off, I’m not saying to avoid energy drinks. I’m drinking one now as I’m working on this article! Energy drinks are popular among...
Pop music sensation Shawn Mendes has a new album called Wonder , and here's everything you need to know before listening.
So what is the history behind all those classic Halloween monsters?
If you have ever been in America during Halloween, you have probably heard of Count Dracula. The iconic monster has become a go-to costume for many. He has starred...
I'm not sure what happened or even when it happened but...I am obsessed with podcasts...and Payne Lindsey.
Before there was even a Mother Monster to begin with, there was Stefani Joanne Angelina Germonatta, a New Yorker attending NYU Tisch School...