This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Plattsburgh chapter.“You” is a psychological thriller series on Netflix that follows the life of a man...
It's still Hot Girl Summer, besties.
Regrets are a sensitive topic. They are difficult to talk about for us as humans who (hopefully!) feel empathy because recalling them...
You know when you’re at a restaurant, waiting for your food, and they bring out a basket of bread? That basket filled with warm, soft...
If I could determine one single characteristic to define my entire year spent at Penn State, it would be warm. I understand the irony in...
As we go through our days we experience moments. We wake up, brush our teeth, eat breakfast and do whatever it is we tend to do in our...
After returning from a semester abroad and realizing that I have less than three semesters left on Emory’s campus, I’ve started to realize...
About a year ago I lost someone very dear to me. Although I hadn’t talked to this person as adamantly as I had in prior years, he left an...