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Articles Tagged With: NYU France
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Study Abroad Diaries: Au Revoir

At first I was shocked. Then I was shocked that I was shocked, and after that I was just simply excited. The sight of a baseball diamond...

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Study Abroad Diaries: Airplanes

There's something about airports that is oddly familiar and strangely comforting. The fact that no matter which country you are in the...

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Study Abroad Diaries: A Velib A Day

When Paris isn’t grey, it’s golden. And it isn’t very often that Paris isn’t grey. After three months of constant dreary skies, complete...

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Study Abroad Diaries: Berlin Guide

I loved Berlin, I’m just not quite sure it loved me back. I thought I understood the city at first—it initially seemed like a strange...

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Study Abroad Diaries: La Rythme

It has been so easy to get settled in this city. I was quick to find a simple, day-to-day routine. I surprised at how easy the adjustment...