As social media platforms buzz with excitement over the release of the two-part adaptation of Wicked, based on the 1995 novel by Gregory Maguire, expectations have run high. Growing...
In times like these, it's crucial to prioritize well-being and destress. Here are five things I’ve done to cope with the 2024 presidential election results.
The crazy but (pretty) true story of an Olympic athlete!
I was prepared to live in a different country- but not for the negative emotions that came with it.
Are you a pet parent or thinking of being one? This piece is for you!
In the whirlwind of the fast-paced world, where connections can be fleeting, the quest for like-minded individuals is a challenge. As a devoted book lover, navigating this landscape felt...
Investing isn't intimidating with these beginner friendly tips!
The world has fallen silent to the ongoing atrocity towards the Palestinians in the Israel-Palestine conflict. It is one of the most heart-wrenching consequences of ignorant, inhumane, and cruel...
With the newest season of The Bachelor, here are my Top 3 picks for Joey.
In light of Valentines Day quickly approaching, I felt compelled to talk about one of my least favorite canon events that I've experienced as a college student so far:...