It can be difficult to enjoy spring break to its fullest extent with a Canvas-filled calendar. However, with the following strategies, students will be able to relax and have...
To say I have an extensive collection of books would be an understatement.
I had to figure out how to look cute, eat good, and treat myself without overdrawing my account every month. Surprisingly, it’s possible! So, if you’re anything like me,...
Five ways to stay organized in the new year as a college student.
I have always struggled to keep a clean space. Back at home, my room is a total mess. I have accumulated so many clothes over the years and they...
For years, I tried desperately to find a planner that worked for me, and nothing I tried ever did. But last semester, I made the only New Years resolution...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.The beginning of the school year can be extremely stressful for college students, as we...
This semester, my plate is full. How am I keeping myself sane?
My guide to staying organized to have a successful start to a new semester
My first few weeks of graduate school at Jefferson University are wrapping up, and I was surprised to learn that there was a learning curve involved with the amount...