Check out everything you need to know about the new streaming service HBO Max!
Here are a few of my favorites that I would encourage anyone to give a chance!
Originals Horror Movies I have compiled a ghastly list of original movies featuring classic and timeless monster tropes. Sit back with some...
Top Ten Netflix Originals that will knock your socks off.
YouTube is more than a place where you can get lost in an endless search filled with random videos, it is also a beautiful place filled...
Three Netflix originals that may actually be worth the watch. Here’s a breakdown of what is on Netflix this fall.
Here are five of the most binge-able Netflix Original shows and movies to watch to kick off your summer the right way (which is by sitting on the couch).
For the past year, it seems that every time you log into Netflix there are a dozen new original series to watch, and in all reality, that...
This list is for those of you who just finished binge-watching a show and you need another obsession to add to your life. These are five of...