When packing for an overnight trip, the key is to be prepared without overpacking.
Oh Texel, you were such a problem child. Although my time at Texel was short, it did not go without its moments.
There are no such thing as too many overnight sleeping masks.
Honey is not only used for food, it is also used for feminine beauty as well! Here is how honey can be used as so.... Dry Lips Exfoliate...
For when you don't want to wait another 10 years for a glow up.
Class at 8am? You can still show up with gorgeous curls!
Because the lessons I learned are still relevant, even in college.
Hello again friends! Last time, I talked about an all over sunscreen that totally saved my skin this summer. This time, I want to talk...
Especially as freshman in college, we stay in contact with our friends from home. Some of these friends may be at other colleges and some...