People really don't seem to understand that mental illness isn't something we can control. Okay fine, it's not completely anyone's fault...
Her Campus at Kutztown
A Look Into Paranoia
Her Campus at Exeter Cornwall
5 Steps to Combat Night Time Paranoia
If you’re like me and find it difficult to get to sleep when you’re feeling stressed, then you’ll also know what it feels like to be...
Big Brother
Are they watching? Undoubtedly. Who are “they”? Only they know, but I am assuming it is some government agent, or maybe some odd kid in a...
Mental Health and Superheroes
Over the past few years, superheroes have become a buzz topic in movies and the media, and they have just continued to grow. Armed with...
Indie Horror Film: It Follows (2015)
Horror films nowadays are overstuffed with character clichés and usual run-of-the-mill plotlines, however, It Follows , is a refreshing and...