For all the feminist horror movie girlies.
Leah ranks her top ten costumes from her trip to the Bodega on Halloween!
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCT chapter.A24 is the film production company behind some of the most amazing films to be...
The actress is still young and gained a lot of popularity with “Pearl”, but her career also has other pleasant surprises.
The slasher horror films produced by A24 have captivated audiences - a cast full of renowned names and connected stories are just some of the reasons.
The entertainment company A24 has created many award-winning and memorable movies despite being created only 10 years ago. Some of their most recent successes are X, Bodies, Bodies, Bodies,...
In this article, I will be talking about some of the best horror films that came out this year.
See what to watch this September!
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.[Fair warning for spoilers— reader, beware!] In one of the season’s most anticipated films, A24’s Pearl starring...