Morgantown, as well as other congested campuses, is notorious for its driving conditions and heavy pedestrian population. Especially during...
On February 1st, West Virginia University student, Leah Berhanu, was struck and killed by a vehicle at the intersection of Patteson Drive...
I didn’t want to have to write this article, but y’all have given me no choice. It’s time for a Her Campus Crash Course: Pedestrian...
Venturing Cal Poly’s campus not only entails mile-long Starbuck’s lines and the perpetual smell of BBQ, but an everyday struggle for feet-...
1. Bikers. Nothing accompanies a leisurely stroll better than a repetitive “On your left!” and a bone chilling fear that you could be run...
Take a walk down memory lane long after you’ve graduated. Or come speed down the cobblestone on your bike, racing to class. Take a stroll...
The College Park City Council and the University of Maryland community are demanding the state address traffic concerns more quickly...