"Welcome to the follicular phase, the second phase of the menstrual cycle!"
Her Campus at McMaster
Rooted in Reawakening: The Follicular Phase
Her Campus at TX State
Why Your Period is Irregular (& How to Get it Back on Track)
You’re not crazy. There’s always an explanation for your irregular period.
Her Campus at U Mich
Feeling on the Flow? Own your Emotions – Period.
Ever brushed off your emotions as 'just the PMS talking'? You're not alone - and your feelings are valid.
Her Campus at UCLA
Questions You Might Have About the Menstrual Cycle
What we should know about our periods.
Her Campus at PSU
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Bleeding
While menstruation is a natural experience for billions, stigma and lack of access to resources create an uneven playing field for those who bleed.
Her Campus at UPR
My Experience Using A Menstrual Cup: Everything You Need To Know
Discovering menstrual cups transformed my period routine, offering sustainability, comfort, and cost-effectiveness.
Her Campus at TAMU
Why Gen-Z Should Know About Cycle-Syncing
Do you struggle with period pain? Want to know what foods aid my body depending on what "season" I'm in? Our bodies are like seasons that resets every month,...