Most of elementary and middle school sex-ed only teaches us about pads and tampons as options for containing blood while menstruating. Many of us start off by wearing pads...
"Have you heard of the menstrual cycle? Do you happen to know the phases that compose the cycle?"
Dr. Saru Bala, a Thinx representative and naturopathic doctor specializing in women's hormonal health, gives her expert tips for a happier, healthier period.
While menstruation is a natural experience for billions, stigma and lack of access to resources create an uneven playing field for those who bleed.
Four Stops on the Eras Tour: Our Menstrual Cycle
George Mason’s Patriot Period Project just launched a new menstrual product initiative, Aunt Flow Dispensers, in seven different buildings on GMU’s Fairfax campus. These dispensers contain free pads and...
Not many people know what free bleeding is or the benefits that come with it so here is some information to start off with.
The term “feminine hygiene” attaches itself to the discomfort felt in the discourse of menstruation. The euphemism plays around the discussion of female anatomy which has historically been left...
Period poverty is a global issue that affects millions of women worldwide, yet it remains a largely overlooked and stigmatized problem. This article aims to shed light on the...