Directed by acclaimed Mexican director Alfonso Cuarón and starring Cate Blanchett, the Apple TV series Disclaimer is in full swing, currently airing its fifth episode, with two episodes to...
On October 11, 1975, the first episode of Saturday Night Live—then called NBC’s Saturday Night—premiered. On its 50th anniversary, Jason Reitman debuted his feature film, Saturday Night, a film...
As the weather begins to transition to autumn, I have noticed the resurgence of cardigans! Now, I am incredibly excited about this trend because I have been an active...
Pitt women's volleyball is undefeated and ranked number one in the country, and so is Pitt's men's soccer. So why have I only seen that blue beacon from the...
Summer is finally over, which means Trader Joes has released their fall product lineup. There are over 100 autumnal products, but a few stand out as must-try items. Here...
Body horror, splintering and proliferation, gore, personality division, and eternal youth. When many diverse and intensely controversial topics come together, the result is an incredibly realistic and creepy work...
Friendship bracelets have entered the mainstream in recent years. They went from being something that largely existed in summer camps, to bracelets thousands of people traded at Taylor Swift...
Every generation has the iconic cartoons and other animated TV shows of their youth that seems to bond us together no matter our backgrounds. But, what about the ones...
A good work of art is like a fine wine, mellows with time, and brews an intoxicating aroma. Starting in the fall of 1999 and ending in 2006, the...