An Irish drug-smuggling comedy that is murderously charming. Olivia Cooke stars as the titular Pixie, a ferociously enigmatic photography...
Since the weather in Memphis has cooled considerably in the last week or so, walking to my 8 a.m. Roman history class has been pleasantly...
Why women shouldn't be afraid to make the cut.
I was tired of being frustrated with my hair, so the day after I got home from my freshman year of Belmont, I cut it all off . ....
Hey y’all, so I just got my haircut after Halloween, like really short. Overall, if you’ve never gotten your haircut this short, it’s an...
Tired of the long, lackluster locks that you’ve been wearing for years. Well hunty, it may be time for a good ol’ makeover. Think of this...
Hair trends are constantly changing. Sometimes long purple hair is popular, other times it's blonde bobs. Colours, styles, and lengths of...