Earning points for coupons and great deals is as easy as locking your phone during class!
Learn how to get rewards for not using your phone when you’re not supposed to.
As college students, one of our favorite things to do is spend money that isn’t ours. As of recently, more and more businesses have made it...
Everyone has heard the "poor broke college student" stereotype, as is the case with most stereotypes, this one is based on truth. Even if...
In this generation, innovative gadgets are all the rage, especially on a college campus. With these gadgets comes the downloading of mobile...
If someone offered you $5 to not look at your phone during class, would you do it? With an app called Pocket Points , you can be rewarded...
We’ve all been there. In the back of a lecture, at 6 o’clock at night when you’ve been up since 9, when you can think of an infinite amount...