Finding it tough to balance differing political beliefs and a healthy relationship with someone you love? Here's some tips
Your 411 on the current government shutdown.
O aumento de casos de agressĂŁo e mortes por divergĂŞncia polĂtica acendem alerta para atitudes antidemocráticas.
For a lot of us, the past year of our lives has felt like the work of an ill-conceived Netflix original. Just when we thought it couldn’t...
Another article about religion? One must think, “Oh God! Not again.” I know I do, when I come across the incessant stories about the...
This is how partisanship separates us from our true identity as Americans.
The partisan divide in America has reached an all-time high. But why does that matter? This is one of those difficult conversations: partisanship.
Your family discussions are probably worse than these political discussions online.
Being an actor, singer or athlete doesn't mean you have to stay silent on issues that matter.
Today’s political climate in the United States is riddled with aggression. If you spend any of your time reading Facebook comments, you’ve...