This trend is holding a mirror to men’s face and asking them if they would like if the same happened to them and as expected, men are missing the...
Her Campus at FIU
#womeninmalefields: It’s About Time
Her Campus at U Penn
Instagram’s “Photo Dump”: Why I Support This Viral Trend
You might be sick of it, but I’m not!
Her Campus at UCLA
All Good Things Come To An End: Will Instagram?
There are old and new trends, and it seems like Instagram is becoming an old trend.
Her Campus at BU
So What If You Can’t Be Productive During the Lockdown?
If you can’t bring yourself to be productive, it’s okay!
Her Campus at BU
The Many Angles of the Selfie
Why taking pictures of yourself isn’t purely an act of vanity.
Her Campus at BU
Photography 101: How to Capture your Best Life on Camera
Terrified to post that Insta?
Her Campus at Illinois
Keeping Your Socials Clean as a College Student
It's important to keep a clean social media presence, especially throughout your high school and college years. When applying for...
Her Campus at BU
No, “Free Speech” Doesn’t Mean Social Media Is A Free-for-All
An open letter to those of us who sometimes take the phrase “freedom of speech” a little too liberally when it comes to their posts.