The assassination of presidents has profoundly influenced the nation’s political landscape and social fabric, as it truly has played a pivotal role in shaping American history. Each tragic event...
America is experiencing an epidemic of disinformation and falsehoods. The trust in mass media has never been lower, and it's up to journalists to value truth over their preferred...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.Anna Parker and Erin Reinhart are two juniors running for Co-Presidents of the Student...
A plea for you to vote against Trump this November.
A very subjective ranking of all U.S. Presidents based soley on their looks.
Left handed people, this one is actually for you.
Edited by Ann Marie Elpa We have all been inspired by a powerful woman in our lives. Women are flourishing in every industry nowadays. We...
The 2020 presidential election is months away from happening, but dozens of candidates have already announced their plans on running for...
"While us future reporters anxiously await our time to step into the field, we can take a moment to revisit the roots of journalism with these four movies that...
Is Obama running a deep state shadow government...and is Hillary Clinton involved?