Her Campus at UCD
We Need an Asian Superhero
With their recent releases of Captain Marvel and Avengers: End Game , Marvel has been getting a ton of attention. Millions and millions of...
Her Campus at Babson
Your Feminist Stance And How It Can Impact Support Of Men
America is currently in the midst of some of its greatest societal reforms. One of the biggest social shifts centers on the role of women...
Her Campus at Winona
My Tips For a Successful Fitness Journey
Everyone I know has struggled with staying active or having good self-esteem at some point in their lives. It is hard when transitioning...
Her Campus at NMSU
We Are Animals
Just last weekend I was riding shotgun in my friend Devin’s Suburban, discussing the life-altering events that were perspiring in our lives...
Time to Consider those Gucci Flip Flops
Big news for animals, animal lovers, activists, and all people alike: Gucci has gone fur free .