Winter quarter isn't THAT bad (said no one ever).
Call me dramatic, but Winter Quarter is the actual worst time ever when your university is on the quarter system. The UV drops to a high of 2, there...
Going to college is scary! Here is my best advice based on my experiences.
"This is my quarter" is probably what you tell yourself every quarter, but here are 6 habits to actually make this your quarter.
I found the best study spot at UCLA that everyone needs to check out!
Here's how I earned a major and a minor from the number one public university in half the typical time.
Don't knock it till you've tried it.
If you are a true Bruin, you will inevitably come to despise UCLA’s one universal nemesis: Winter Quarter.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.Starting November 14, 2022, nearly 48,000 graduate student workers in the UC system were...