Her Campus at TCU
Why I Finally Gave in to Cornell Notes (And Why You Should Too)
The best part about Cornell Notes is that when you want to study for an exam, all you have to do is take a blank piece of paper, a...
Her Campus at UWindsor
My First Year of University: Anecdotes and Advice
Dear Reader, Welcome to my open letter reflecting on my first year of university
Her Campus at U Mass Amherst
Dear Overwhelmed Freshmen at UMass: Three Simple Habits That Will Make College Feel Less Like a Juggling Act
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.College students are some of the closest things to superheroes that I know....
Her Campus at TAMU
To All The Graduation Acknowledgements I’ve Used Before (And Still Do)
These quite literally meet the definition of “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Her Campus at BU
A Complete List of Applications Every College Student Should Have
These applications will boost your productivity and make your life easier.
Top 10 Study Tips From A Upperclassman to a Freshman
We're well into the fall semester and many of us already have set study skills that work for us. But, what if you're an incoming freshman...