Here are 7 entertaining rainy-day activities to keep in mind for the wet season!
Her Campus at U Vic
You Can’t Rain On Our Parade: 7 Rainy Day ActivitiesÂ
Her Campus at U Vic
Movies for a Rainy Day
It's the rainy season, time for cosy clothes, warm drinks, and watching movies, but sometimes finding that perfect movie for the weather can be hard.
Her Campus at Northeastern
Solo Rainy Day InspirationÂ
Spring is finally here, but before we get the wonderful May weather, we inevitably must take on rainy April. Although rainy, overcast weather might be the final perfect ingredient...
Her Campus at MSU
Painting Purr-fection With Your PetsÂ
Reptiles, amphibians, fish, and furry friends have all found a way to make it into the hearts of the masses. With acrylic paint, garbage bags, canvases, peanut butter and...
Her Campus at U Mass Amherst
What I Do On a Rainy Day at UMass Amherst
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.I really hope the saying “April showers bring May flowers” is accurate, because...