That’s right, Dearest Reader, I actually read books over the winter break. I can hardly believe it either! And I can confirm that the best really is yet to...
Find out which tropes deserve a top spot on your TBR list!
The Bell Jar is everything at once– hauntingly beautiful, melancholy, thought-provoking, and even funny. It has definitely impacted the way I view mental illness, as well as how I...
These books are perfect for resting and restoring through these coming up months, so I hope you pick one or any of you choosing up to make the most...
This novel is a must-read for me as the writing is absolutely beautiful and descriptive, allowing the reader to truly be immersed in the story, as well as the...
During college, I’ve realized how much more I love to read. Before college, I didn’t have much interest in reading because I had distractions like going to school and...
Reading a book isn’t enough anymore. If you are really obsessed with a book, then you need to be fusing it with your life through music!
With the rapid rise in social media in the last 15 years, many people wonder whether it is destroying our reading habits and encouraging individuals to spend more time...
Starting new habits can be difficult. Follow my advice and make reading your best friend this fall. You won't regret it.