I am presently in my final weeks of college. When looking forward to this time, I always imagined I would face some sort of cascade of epiphanies… Some concrete...
Control. It's everything, isn't it? I guess I should say the lack of it is everything, too. It is present especially when it is not. It is a paradigm...
Obsession with Anuv Jain's songs is evident among the youth. But have you ever wondered why is it so? Here's the review of his new release 'husn' with a...
I think the idea of “moving on” is so ambiguous. What does it really mean? Do we have to leave everything behind to move forward? Or can we carry...
They say that college is the shortest four years of your life. They are correct.
A personal reflection on age 20 and the year 2023.
In today’s day and age, there are plenty of trends and plenty of people that want to tell you how to live your life: wake up at 5 a.m.,...
Fear of missing out. This phenomenon casts a shadow over the lives of many and causes seemingly illogical anxiety. What threat is associated with missing out? And how can...