This got me thinking that perhaps passion is not an inborn feeling, maybe it randomly strikes us one day, like lightning and then begins to bloom. And that does...
The truth behind the tutus and pointe shoes
Each milestone, from high school to university, marks a step towards maturity. Yet, despite the expectations of adulthood, there is a youthful vigor and a sense of wonder for...
Freshmen year is packed with change. Here’s how to navigate it.
If someone were to ask me, “Sarah, what is life?” I don't think I would have an answer.
Back-to-school jitters? We've all been there!
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.While flipping through some of the most read books on my shelf, I came across...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.When I went to college, the only thing I knew about it was...