Meet my fellow Her Campus Rochester member Doreen Prempeh! Doreen is a Biology major in the class of 2024. She was born in the United...
This article is for my fellow upstate New Yorkers who can hopefully relate to and appreciate the content written below. For those who didn't grow up there, you can...
Jaissan Lovett was eventually allowed to give his speech — at City Hall, nonetheless.
Name: Nate Statt Year: Freshman Major: Journalism and Communications Hometown: Rochester, NY What’s your favorite thing about John Carroll...
For those of you that are unaware, UR Her Campus is having a GLAM LAB Saturday Nov. 12th from 12:30-5:00 in the Bridge Lounge of Wilson...
Another week, another week of coffee! This time, however, it’s city edition - as in I’m going to tell you about my favorite coffee shops in...
Today, I attended my first UR Women’s Rugby game against Niagara University. It was an emotional rollercoaster. Photo credit to: Rebecca...
If you have never lived in a place with weather similar to Rochester's, you probably don’t know what to expect for these upcoming winter...
This week we are so happy to profile our lovely editor-in-chief Pamela Ortego! As our fearless leader this year, she will be editing all...
If I heard one word in my first few weeks of college more than any other, it was change. Everyone from my parents to my professors and even...