Para quem gostou de Blonde, veja recomendações de filmes semelhantes sobre a vida de artistas
Maybe the truth is stranger than fiction. Perhaps it’s just more boring.
No matter how futile my efforts are, this is a hill I'm willing to die on.
I am a huge movie buff and enjoy either watching movies or watching YouTube videos about movies in my free time. I am the type of person...
Representation is important because people want to see themselves in movies and want their stories to be told. This is why it can be...
Prepping for the 2019-2020 awards show season.
Surely most of you have already seen the Bohemian Rhapsody and Rocketman movies, and taken your own opinions about each of them. Many...
Glam rock. Eyeliner. Long hair. Long lashes. Skirts. Leather jackets and pants. Fake fur, real fur. Crowns. Guitars. Electric cords snaking...
Well, it looks like movies about musicians definitely made a comeback in the last year! And now it’s time for Elton John’s story to be told...
I Guess That’s Why They Call it a Review