What if George Washington thought the title of King sounded better than President? Katherine McGee dazzles in 'American Royals' as she explores the lives of the Washington family, the...
Throughout history, royalty has been viewed as this glamorous, powerful, and divine authority. From glittering crowns to majestic palaces, the image of royal life has long captivated the public...
Why is Aelin from the Throne of Glass book series so popular? Let's take a deep dive and figure out why.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.After reading Spare by Prince Harry, I now have a new look at Prince Harry’s...
Racism, mental health troubles and death threats are things I never knew occurred in the Royal Family.
The new series of Netflix portrays the life of Elisabeth of Wittelsbach as the new Empress of Austria-Hungary
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter. After reigning for 70 years and being the United Kingdom’s longest-serving monarch, Queen Elizabeth...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delhi North chapter.This review contains SPOILERS!! The uncanny circumstances and junctures that led to the unforeseen...
Put on your best ball gown and escape!