Congratulations, you signed your first salaried job! Now, what is a 401(k) plan?
Looking to move post-graduation? These cities are the best for your major!
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.Salaries and money, in general, are becoming less and less of a taboo subject. With...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.This summer I worked at my first 9 to 5 job ever. I guess...
Because you have every right to ask.
Working at a company or business for an extended amount of time can be great. It means you’re either committed to the company, you love the...
Recently, I attended one of Agnes Scott College Career Development’s “Adulting 101” sessions where they spoke about negotiating a salary...
Put that high school Spanish to some good use.
Ask if your salary is even negotiable in the first place.