It's become a birthday tradition for me to document the lessons and coming-of-age worldviews I've picked up throughout the year. While my 22 lessons for 22 years are far...
"I met some of my best friends scouting, and the memories I have will last me forever. I’ve been out as a transgender man for almost two years now,...
Stepping from the structured environment of school into the dynamic world of college can feel overwhelming, but it’s also a journey of immense personal growth. As a Delhi University...
How to start, what to write about and how journaling can become the outlet you didn’t know you were missing.
Get ready to take a trip down memory lane, and re-discover the power and fun of self-quizzes, fueled by our inner child's love for 2000’s teen magazines like J-14...
In my journey on self-rediscovery, I keep circling back to the following two questions: 1) Who is the person I’ve become? 2) What does this person look like in...
It seems like adulting is just making one decision after another and trying not to screw it all up.
For me, my racial identity hasn't been a simple part of me but rather a journey over time.