Every college has its own unique culture, and sometimes, it takes a while to figure out. I informally polled my senior friends, and here...
Over the past three weeks, I’ve compiled a list of the best and worst Servo foods to hit the menu labelled serv(yes) and serv(no).
No matter how crazy everything is right before break, Servo Thanksgiving is a great chance to hang out with your friends and eat some great food!
We at HC Gettysburg are especially thankful to Servo and the rest of Dining Services, for providing us with what is bound to be another wonderful iteration of this...
Source: http://public.gettysburg.edu/~smonani/pictures/studentdietarychoic... It's the end of the summer—time to soak up the last few...
Meet Sarah Beth Watson! She is a Senior Sweetie who is just too awesome not to know! Here are a few Quick Quotes from SB herself: Major:...
Tuesday night, Gettysburg students were able to enjoy one of the traditions here at the College: Thanksgiving Dinner at Servo! People sat...
It’s that time of year again… We are now on the other side of Reading Days, and all of the assignments that you shoved aside into the dusty...
Food allergies are pretty terrible in general, but especially so in college! Whether you're out with friends or lounging in the dining hall...