Don't let yourself be your biggest obstacle
You know the account, the one we’ve all frantically searched in hopes that the cute guy or girl that smiled at you outside the Commons felt...
I remember February like it was last Friday. I remember every aspect of my life being illuminated with excitement and spontaneity...and then it all came to a screeching halt...
Take your love life into your own hands.
So that guy or gal you held a two-week Snapchat streak with ghosted you, huh? Don’t beat yourself up about it though, sis, because there is...
Whether or not she's actually into sports is a question I may never know the answer to. However, she attends every sporting event and...
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take - Wayne Gretzky" -Michael Scott
It’s Sunday so that means I have a very specific Sunday routine. I go to church, either make or go to brunch, and then head to one of two...
As you all know cuffing season is upon us and some of us have yet to get “cuffed up”. Many of you like me are waiting for Mr. Right...
February 14th is fast approaching and for many that just means another year of sitting at home wishing you weren’t lonely. Well, this year...