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Articles Tagged With: Shuttle
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Emory Shuttle Hacks

Before moving to Emory’s Clairmont Campus, the word “shuttle” made me gulp. I envisioned heading to my 8:30 A.M. class not on a leisurely...

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New Shuttle Company: Is It Better?

Shuttle-riding students have learned to deal with disappointment when shuttles would not arrive on time, to the right pick up location, or...

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Adelphi Shuttle Hacks

Not having a car on campus: the ultimate Adelphi struggle. Trust me, I get it. Not having a car on campus is the worst. Adelphi has the...

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Goodbye, Lot D!

Students at the University should expect some big changes come Monday, Oct. 5 — Lot D will no longer exist, as it will be the site of a 4-...