This year, promotion for Paul Feig’s newest film began. The marketing used an unusual tactic: the film’s star, Blake Lively, deleted her...
Hello! Need a break from life? Want to dive into someone else’s story for a little? Here’s a list of some of my personal brain wracking,...
A movie to divide opinions and to leave you wondering if you missed something while you simply blinked
Don’t miss out on these cinematic experiences!
Sometimes, there is nothing more satisfying than sitting down to watch a perfectly paired duo of two incredibly talented actors with great...
In October, there are two sacred days to commemorate young adult women: the International Day of the Girl on October 11 and--perhaps even...
Image via Lionsgate This past weekend I saw A Simple Favor with my boyfriend. Ever since the first trailer came out I was intrigued to...
This weekend is Fall Break, and that means there's plenty of time to catch up on some movies! Two of these I'm seeing this weekend, and one...
On September 14th, the movie A Simple Favor released in theaters. Being one of the many fans of the novel this movie is based on, I was at...