Thanks to Her Campus, our back-to-school blues have diminished. This year, each chapter across the nation (and the world) received...
Her Campus Back To School Survival Kits
Her Campus Back to School Survival Kits
Hey collegiettes! Hope everyone is having a great start to the semester! Since transitoning into a new semester can be a little difficult,...
Her Campus Back to School Survival Kit
Her Campus is great for a several reasons, it’s so hard for a collegiette to chose! In addition to reading the awesome content published on...
Back to School Survival Kit!
As much as you all love reading Her Campus content, it’s even cooler to write for Her Campus! Each week, Her Campus writers have 1-2...
Our Back To School Survival Kit
This past week, Her Campus sent our chapter a couple of boxes filled with swag from our amazing partners at LUNA , Neuro , Chipotle ,...
HC Survival Kits!
The other day I was so excited, not just to get more of my birthday stuff, but to get one of the most awesome birthday gifts ever, my Her...