Many people tend to consume sad media to help cope with their emotions. However, does this actually have a positive effect on our mental state?
Within the past few weeks, the featured dancers of "Dancing with the Stars" have managed to become the popular face of my TikTok feed, highlighting their dances trends on...
With the increase in popularity of skincare on social media, it can be hard to keep track of what’s what or how to use it. In this article we...
By trying to fill my days with the aesthetic content that surrounds me on social media, I lost sight of the beauty of my own existence. I have since...
Influencers have been around for years now. Has our society finally outgrown them? Read Sarah's thoughts about it all!
Apesar de o uso da internet durante o perĂodo eleitoral nĂŁo ser uma novidade, a popularização dos cortes fez com que as redes sociais se tornassem uma ferramenta ainda...
The show with a reverse damsel in distress, twisted historical plot and a sarcastic narrator that stole my heart!
As the 2024 presidential election approaches, platforms like TikTok, Twitter and the proliferation of memes are reshaping political discourse.
What is this new trend about tradwives? Let's talk about what that means, where it emerged and how it impacts modern feminism.
The heartbreaking trend that's sweeping Tik Tok- check out Sarah's take!