I studied abroad for six weeks last summer in Florence, Italy. It was my first time leaving the country, and I never could've expected some of the obstacles I...
It is no secret that sexual education in the United States, especially the southern United States, is flawed. When I say flawed, I mean it...
Getting to live out a childhood dream had its ups and downs, but in the end I don't regret a thing.
I am not the greatest studier; however, over the past semester, I have learned some great tips to motivate myself through tough topics and...
This J-term I was lucky enough to spend a month traveling in Hawai’i. It was both an honor and a privilege to attend this trip, but it wasn...
By Katie O'Brien I’ve gotten the opportunity to travel to a lot of places in my lifetime, but I never got the chance for one of those...
Here's your NYU Prague survival guide.
Fair warning: the following is a privileged white girl’s account and minor critique on about the most privileged white shit there is. Carry...