Politics aside, as a stutterer, I relate to Joe Biden and am glad to see that he’s come so far.
Her Campus at BU
As a Stutterer, I’m Proud that Joe Biden Is Running for President
Her Campus at BU
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Made Me Feel Seen
I noticed something about Leonardo DiCaprio’s character that you probably didn’t.
Her Campus at BU
I Won’t Let My Stutter Hold Me Back
“My stutter is not an impediment in my life, but, rather, an extra part of my character.”
Her Campus at BU
Living with My Stutter—My Challenge to Stay Confident When Every Word I Speak Is a Struggle
“I am still on the road to accepting my stutter. It’s a journey.”
Life with a Stutter
I’ve had a stutter for as long as I can remember. It haunts me every day, so I’m very jealous of all of you and how simple it is...
Blunt on the Stutter.
I recently read an interview featured in ‘InStyle’ magazine with the star of the new blockbuster ‘Girl on the Train’ Emily Blunt. Aside...
Campus Celebrity Kayla Robles ’17
Meet Kayla, a girl that speaks out and never lets fear sideline her in life. From playing for the Women's Soccer Team at VSU to being a...