If they’re “just like us,” their actions should have consequences, too.
Her Campus at Wisconsin
Celebrities and accountability: The other side of “cancel culture”
Her Campus at George Mason University
SWMRS Politically Charged Music and Activism
The Oakland-based band, SWMRS, have been making music since they were kids, under various names and record labels. Their first album under...
Her Campus at Emerson
Reasons Why SWMRS is One of the Most Respectable Bands of Our Generation
I’m sure I began to irritate my friends with the constant loop of SWMRS’ music and delusions that Cole Becker was my soulmate, but I could not stop thinking...
All Time Low Announce New Album and Tour
It’s been nearly two years since pop-punk band All Time Low released an album. Recently, they dropped a new single and announced their...
Concert Review: The Frights, SWMRS, & Fidlar
Concert Review: The Frights, SWMRS, and Fidlar. What’s better than going to a concert in Hollywood on a Saturday night? Not much. I went to...