As of March 2017, over 5 million Syrians have fled their war-torn nation, and hundreds of thousands have been killed in the conflict. While...
We’ve all seen the headlines pop up in our Facebook feed or on the front cover of The New York Times before heading into Stav: Syrian...
When Jaber al-Bakr asked for assistance from other refugees, he never suspected they would be largely responsible for his arrest. Jaber al-...
Syria has been labeled by many media outlets as one of the worst humanitarian crises of our time. Every time we open up new apps these days...
For months the Syrian Civil war and its ramifications has been spattered over the news. There has been a particular emphasis placed on the...
Notre Dame students are smart—no doubt about that—but there’s a difference between being intelligent and being informed. You may excel in...
The conflict in Syria has been growing in intensity and scope for over two years, with the United Nations estimating the displacement of...