Tenting is a long-standing tradition for Duke students, lovingly referred to as Cameron Crazies. In hopes of guaranteeing oneself, along...
What is Tenting? Krzyzewskiville, affectionately referred to as K-Ville, has been home to countless dedicated students willing to sleep in...
It’s the moment that you’ve waited for since you first put on that Duke Blue t-shirt with the words “Blue Devils” proudly splayed across...
Just trying to make it though the week as told by Brooklyn Nine Nine... Monday via: Tumblr When you realize that you’re completely...
After all the nights spent studying Duke basketball trivia, after watching the ups and downs of this season, after chilly evenings spent in...
The Cameron Crazies aren't called that for nothing! Whether you just spent the last few days in the walk up line with no shelters allowed (...
After weeks of anticipation and a somewhat tumultuous season, the UNC game is right around the corner. If you’ve been sleeping in a tent in...
If there's one thing Duke knows how to do better than anyone else, it's throw a party! Tenting can get rough, but between the rush of...
Tenting season is upon the Blue Devils and—although black tenters have survived the most grueling week—blue and white tenting leave a few...
It’s that time of year again for Duke Students: Basketball Season. The season means a lot to Duke as whole – so much so that students are...