The best activity to begin to capture your most special memories.
My ex broke no contact and texted me, so instead of responding, I thought I'd write an article about it!
Many text mining techniques involve computing software, systems, and applications. Read the top three reported by RankRed and learn more about the technologies applied in various academic and professional...
Some words of wisdom have compiled themselves in my mind over the past year on how to maintain and still foster those connections back home.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.I’ve always thought a long-distance relationship was a bad idea. Maybe because I had...
Checking up on friends is something a good friend should do periodically. Doing this became even more important during the pandemic when...
When you're scrolling through Facebook or Instagram and see some hot new news about someone from high school, who is the first person you...
Social distancing is great for relationships, right?
I’ll start off by acknowledging the fact that I’m incredibly lucky. None of my friends or family members has become ill as a result of...