Look and Feel Your Best in the Morning With This 5 Step Makeup Routine1
The article talks about how to take care of one's pet dog from my own experience.
With the cold weather rapidly approaching, it is important to take care of your mental health, even when you don’t have any motivation to do so. I’m going to...
I know how it feels to feel like not doing anything in terms of self-care. Self-care for me (unfortunately) is sometimes pushed aside because of how busy my life...
Haunted houses are in season! Here are some tips for my not-so-brave haunted house goers to make the experience a little easier!
Beginners guide to get along with your roommate.
Long distance is a challenge... but this article goes into detail about how it doesn't have to be harder than it already is. From someone who has been through...
My guide to staying organized to have a successful start to a new semester
Winter has arrived in Brazil!
Confira algumas cafeterias temáticas para visitar na capital paulista: