Elfster lets you create multiple wishlists and add gifts that you would like onto the lists to share with family and friends. It's similar to an Amazon wishlist, but...
Lauren Blum writes about her love of Christmas and her EALRY start!
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.December? What are you doing here? You’re totally early. Wait, what… this is the same...
While wearing masks and remaining six feet apart may not be what you had in mind this winter season, there’s always a way to make the best...
Being vegan isn't just a diet, but a lifestyle of avoiding animal products in everything I consume.
Five great holiday gift ideas for college students on a budget!
Happy actual December! If you’re anything like me, you’ve had Christmas on the back of your mind for months. You’ve had the slightest urge...
Pull yourself out of that pre-exam slump and start looking forward to Christmas!
I know what you’re thinking: “Christmas already?!” Even though we are only getting past Halloween, Christmas will be here in less than two...
If you're anything like all the other Starbucks lovers in the world, holiday cup season is always highly anticipated. Not only will you...