The September 11th attacks, or better known as 9/11 aawere a series of planned attacks by Al-Qaeda directed towards the United States...
Remembering 9/11 By Allison Dyer It’s rainy and gray today. It’s a Tuesday. Students are found checking emails and chugging coffee, per...
September 11, 2001 is a devastating day in American history that should never be forgotten. Yet, in truth, the morning of the 16th...
When SMU attempted to limit displays on its property, SMU students and alumni responded in droves.
Silence sweeps a nation as we pause from our daily routines to reflect, but more importantly remember, the horrific events that took place...
On September 11, 2001, America was changed. Nearly 3,000 innocent people with friends and loved ones, lost their lives. The College...
When I was 8 years old, I lost my innocence. On the same day, I learned the power of human kindness. Both of these things happened on...