The film series “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before” recently concluded with its final film, “To All the Boys: Always and Forever.” This...
Twitter. Wendy’s. Two words that probably sound like they don't go together, but trust me, they do. Why? Because this fast food chain...
Thank you for smiling warmly and firmly, embracing me by my shoulders. Thank you for having kind eyes and a comforting presence as you...
I started my freshman year at UD about a month ago and it has definitely been a rollercoaster of emotions since. However, there are a few...
Our friends at Her Campus recently sent us quite the supply of Carefree Acti-Fresh Twist Resist panty liners which we are so excited about...
Picture this: it’s the middle of the week and you have no idea what day it even is. You don’t know when any of your finals are and your...
There’s no better way to celebrate being back at school than...DUN, DUN, DUN: finals week. While we still have some time to go before the...
I often worry that I talk too much about transferring sometimes. However, I think the reason I do this is because it is seldom brought up...
What I find the most difficult about picking a tattoo is the place and the design. I have so many personal experiences and ideas that I...
I never really thought about my celebrity encounters until recently, but now that I have put some thought into it I realized that I have...