In 2012, a video was unleashed upon the Internet that created quite a stir around campus. Kellyann Wargo, a senior then, studying Art and...
Kellyann Wargo’s “Walk of Shame Shuttle” Heads to VH1!
Zoe McCoon, ’16
Zoe McCoon is a spirited sophomore with a passion for community. An involved member of the Jewish Detroit Initiative, Zoe took a few...
Anna Berger, ’15
Meet Anna Berger, an enthusiastic junior who is eager to advance women's rights. Anna took time out of her busy schedule to tell Her Campus...
Gretchen Bentz, ’14
From her on-campus involvement as the K-grams Director of Greek Relations and member of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority, to studying Biopsychology...
Hey Hollywood, Are You OK?
Due to the rise of social media, we now know what celebs are up to every second of the day. Twitter, Facebook and gossip columns allow us...
Violin Monster Opens Up to Her Campus UMich
Chances are you’ve come across his path once or twice since coming to the University of Michigan. You may have seen him playing in the...